Rabi Shmuel Davit Luzzatto seletab : ?S?na Merkav(b)a ? MeRKaV(B)a tuleneb tüvest ja tähtedest R,K,B - Reish , Kaf , Bet ? RaKuV , mis t?lkes tähendab ? ?peal istuja?. Nendest tähtedest (kuid ? teises järjekorras) koosneb s?na Keruv. ...
V? Ttes s? Mptomid j? Mesooles V? IP? Rakuv? HK for some m? Nu? Of n? Na, but do not see? Kratrygg? Ur? up? January V? Febr? Ar? G! ? G is V? Ltides l? Hebrews emergency room V? Im? NDA heilsug? Slust? due? without? ? G is hr? Ddur of [...]
If the head is RAKUV, so it the tail. It is because of incidents like this, like the money laundering, like the selling of body part, etc? all those chillul HaSh*m stories that have been in the news lately, that make the head rakuv. ...